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1. 第二十九届北京五四青年奖章(2015

2. 北京市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(2014

3. 中国政法大学第三届青年教师优秀科研成果奖一等奖(2014

4. 中国国际私法首届优秀科研成果奖一等奖(2014

5. 中国政法大学首批“优秀中青年教师培养支持计划”(2013

6. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2012

7. 中国政法大学优秀教师特别奖(2010

8. 湖北省第六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(2009

9. 中国高等学校第五届科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)三等奖(2009

10. 北京市第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(2008

11. 中国政法大学第四届青年教师教学基本功大赛一等奖(2007



1. 1970UNESCO年公约研究:文本、实施与改革》,中国政法大学出版社2015年版

2. 《追索海外流失文物的法律问题》,中国政法大学出版社2013年版

3. 《中国国际私法(英文版)》(Private International Law in China),法律出版社 2010年版

4.  《不当得利的国际私法问题》, 武汉大学出版社2006年版 





1. Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage in China: A Challenge to Keep History Alive, International Journal of Cultural Policy, forthcoming, (SSCI Listed)

2. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: A Commentary on the Judicial Interpretation on the Private International Law Act of China, Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 43:2 (2013) (SSCI Listed)

3. Protracted War: The Fight against Illicit Traffic of Cultural Property in China, in The 1970 Convention: New Challenges, Mexican National University Press(2013)

4. National Approaches to Surrogacy: The People’s Republic of China, in “International Surrogacy Arrangements”, Hart Publishing Ltd (2013)

5. Reshaping Private International Law in China: The Statutory Reform of Tort Conflicts, Journal of East Asia and International Law,Vol. 5:1(2012)(SSCI Listed)

6. An Imperfect Improvement: The New Conflict of Laws Act of the People’s Republic of China, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 60:4(2011)(SSCI Listed)

7. China’s Codification of Conflicts Law: Latest Efforts, Seoul Law Journal, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2010)

8. An Overview of Chinese Family Law: A Private International Law Perspective, New Asian Forum, Vol.3, (2010)

9. Choice of Law in Tort: A Chinese Approach, Journal of Cambridge Studies Vol. 4, Issue 4, (2009)

10. A Tiger without Teeth: The Antitrust Law of The People’s Republic of China, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 10:1(2008)

11. Ordre public in China’s Private International Law, American Journal of Comparative Law: Vol. 53:3(2005)(SSCI Listed)

12.  “追索海外流失文物的国际私法问题”,载《华东政法大学学报》2015年第2期;  

13. “传承历史、映照未来——评《戴西、莫里斯和考林斯论冲突法》第14修订版”,载《比较法研究》2012年第1

14. “涉外侵权之债的法律适用——以‘7.23甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故’外籍伤亡乘客的赔偿为视角”,载《法商研究》2011年第6

15. “效率违约的比较法研究”,载《比较法研究》2011年第1

16. “冲突法之谜的经济分析”,载《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2008年卷),北京大学出版社2009年版

17. “公共秩序保留的历史、现状与未来——法哲学语境下的思考”,载《民商法论丛》第39卷,法律出版社20083月版

18. “公共秩序保留在美国的适用——兼论对我国的借鉴”,载《法学评论》2007年第1

19. “英美债法的第三支柱——返还请求权法探析”,载《比较法研究》2006年第3

20. “识别对象的再认识”,载《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(2006年卷),北京大学出版社2007年版

21. “不当得利的法律适用规则”,载《法学研究》2004年第3


1. 高等院校法律专业双语课程规划教材:《国际私法》(英文版,独著),对外经贸大学出版社2011年第1版、2015年第2



Zhengxin HUO


Prof. Zhengxin HUO received his PhD. in law from Wuhan University in June 2005. He is currently a Professor of Law and Vice Dean of Faculty of International Law at China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), member of China Law Society, member of China Society of Private International Law, member of China Lawyers Association, associate member of the Centre for Private International Law at the Law School of the University of Aberdeen, the United Kingdom, associate member of International Academy of Comparative Law, Observer of he UNESCO 1970 Convention. He is also a practicing lawyer of the PRC.

Prof. Huo’s principal areas of teaching and research include private international law, comparative law and international culture property law and he has published extensively in these areas. His recent works in English are published in International & Comparative Law Quarterly, American Journal of Comparative Law, Hong Kong Law Journal, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, Journal of East Asia and International Law, International Journal of Cultural Policy and other prominent journals. He has also published two monographs and more than fifty articles & review essays in Chinese. He has won various awards for academic and teaching achievements in China. He attended the the Summer Course of Private International Law at the Hague Academy of International Law in 2004, and has been a visiting scholar at Minnesota Law School(2007), the United States, and Seoul National University School of Law, Republic of Korea (2009-2010).   



Associate Member of International Academy of Comparative Law

Observer of the UNESCO 1970 Convention

Associate Member of the Centre for Private International Law at the Law School of the University of Aberdeen, the United Kingdom

Member of China Law Society

Member of China Society of Private International Law

Attorney at Law, Beijing Kaizen Law Firm

Member of All China Lawyer Association



02/2015        First Class Prize of Scholarship of China University of Political  

                Science and Law

09/2014          First Class Prize of Scholarship of China Society of Private

                 International Law

01/2014        Included in the Support Program for Young Professors of China University of Political Science and Law

12/2012       Included in the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the PRC

9/2011          Outstanding Faculty of China University of Political Science and Law

11/2009         Outstanding Scholarship of Philosophy and Social Sciences issued by the Ministry of Education of the PRC

01/2009         Outstanding Scholarship of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Hubei Province

12/2008        Outstanding Scholarship of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Beijing City

12/2007        Champion of the 4th Teaching Competition of China University of Political Science and Law

04/2003       Certificate of Participation Honors the Scholarship, Dedication and Enthusiasm as a Participant in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, Austria




I. English Books

1. Private International Law in China, Law Press, China (2010).

2. Conflict of Laws in the People’s Republic of China(co-authored with Prof Xiao Yongping), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., U.K., forthcoming.


II. Chinese Books

1. 1970 Nian Gonyue Yanjiu: Wenben, Shishi yu Gaige[A Study on The 1970 UNESCO Convention: Text, Implementation and Reform]Press of China University of Political Science and Law (2014).

2. Zhui suo Haiwai Liushi Wenwu de Falv wenti[The Restitution of the Chinese Cultural Property Lost Overseas], Press of China University of Political Science and Law (2013).

3. Budang Deli de Guojisifa Wenti[Unjust Enrichment in Private International Law],Wuhan University Press (2006).


III. Translations of Books

1. Chinese Edition of Choice of Law and Multistate Justice(Friedrich K. Juenger),Peking University Press (2007);

2. Chinese Edition of Ethics and Values in the Information Age(Joel Rudinow &Anthony Graybosch), Peking University Press (2009).

3Chinese Edition of If you are an egalitarian, How come you are so rich? G. (A. Cohen), Peking University Press (2009).


Journal Articles:

I.        Selected Academic Articles in English

1.     Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage in China: A Challenge to Keep History Alive, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol: 24:2 (2016)

2.     A Commentary on Private International Law in East Asia --- From the Perspective of Chinese Law (co-authored with Prof. Jin Huang), in Codification in East Asia, Springer (2014);

3.     Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: A Commentary on the Judicial Interpretation (I) on the Private International Law Act Issued by the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC, Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 43:2 (2013);

4.     Protracted War: The Fight against Illicit Traffic of Cultural Property in China, in The 1970 Convention: New Challenges(Edited by Jorge Sánchez Cordero), Mexican National University Press(2013)

5.     National Approaches to Surrogacy: China, in “International Surrogacy Arrangements” (Edited by Paul Beaumont and Katarina Trimmings), Hart Publishing Ltd (2013);

6.     Reshaping Private International Law in China: The Statutory Reform of Tort Conflicts, Journal of East Asia and International Law Vol. 5:1(2012);

7.     An Imperfect Improvement: The New Conflict of Laws Act of the People’s Republic of China, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.60:4(2011);

8.     China’s Codification of Conflicts Law: Latest Efforts, Seoul Law Journal, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2010);

9.     Family Issues in China’s Private International Law (co-authored with Prof. Yongping Xiao),  Journal of Cambridge Studies Vol. 4, Issue 4, (2009);

10. Choice of Law in Tort: A Chinese Approach, Journal of Cambridge Studies Vol. 4, Issue 4, (2009);

11. A Tiger without Teeth: The Antitrust Law of The People’s Republic of China, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, Vol.10:1(2008)

12. Ordre public in China's Private International Law(co-authored with Prof. Yongping Xiao), American Journal of Comparative Law: Vol.53:3(2005)


II.     Selected Academic Articles in English

13. Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage in China: A Challenge to Keep History Alive, International Journal of Cultural Policy, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10286632.2015.1015534

14. A Commentary on Private International Law in East Asia --- From the Perspective of Chinese Law (co-authored with Prof. Jin Huang), in Codification in East Asia, Springer (2014);

15. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: A Commentary on the Judicial Interpretation (I) on the Private International Law Act Issued by the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC, Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 43:2 (2013);

16. Protracted War: The Fight against Illicit Traffic of Cultural Property in China, in The 1970 Convention: New Challenges(Edited by Jorge Sánchez Cordero), Mexican National University Press(2013)

17. National Approaches to Surrogacy: China, in “International Surrogacy Arrangements” (Edited by Paul Beaumont and Katarina Trimmings), Hart Publishing Ltd (2013);

18. Reshaping Private International Law in China: The Statutory Reform of Tort Conflicts, Journal of East Asia and International Law Vol. 5:1(2012);

19. An Imperfect Improvement: The New Conflict of Laws Act of the People’s Republic of China, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.60:4(2011);

20. China’s Codification of Conflicts Law: Latest Efforts, Seoul Law Journal, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2010);

21. Family Issues in China’s Private International Law (co-authored with Prof. Yongping Xiao),  Journal of Cambridge Studies Vol. 4, Issue 4, (2009);

22. Choice of Law in Tort: A Chinese Approach, Journal of Cambridge Studies Vol. 4, Issue 4, (2009);

23. A Tiger without Teeth: The Antitrust Law of The People’s Republic of China, Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal, Vol.10:1(2008)

24. Ordre public in China's Private International Law(co-authored with Prof. Yongping Xiao), American Journal of Comparative Law: Vol.53:3(2005)


III.  Selected Academic Articles in Chinese

1.       Shewaiqinquan Zhizhai de Falvshiyong---yi 7.23 Yongwenxian Tebiezhongda Tielu Jiaotongshiguzhong Waijishangwangchengke de Peichang wei Shijiao[Applicable Law to Torts ---A Commentary on the Dispute between the Dead and Injured Foreign Passengers and China’s Railway Ministry in the Wenzhou Train Collision of July 23] 28 Fashang Yanjiu[Studies in Law and Business]11-18(2011).

2.       Xiaolv weiyue de Bijiaofa Yanjiu[A Comparative Study on Efficient Breach] 24 Bijiaofayanjiu[Journal of Comparative Law Review]55-64 (2011)

3.       Zhuisuo Haiwai Liushi Wenwu de Falv Wenti[Legal Issues of the Recovery of the Lost Chinese Cultural Property] Wuda Guojifa Pinglun[International Law Review of Wuhan University] VOl. 12, 92-117 (2010);

4.       Chongtufa Zhimi de Jinjifenxi[A Econimic Analysis of Conflicts Law Enigma] 12 Zhongguo Guojisifa yu Bijiaofa Niankan[Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law]153-186 2009.

5.       Gonggongzhixubaoliu de Lishi Xianzhu yu Weilai: Fazhexue Yujing xia de Sikao[The Past, Present and Future of Public Order: A Reflection in the context of Philosophy of Law], 39 minshangfa luncong[Series of Civil and Commercial Law ]522-49(2008);

6.       Meiguo Fayuan Chaming Waiguofa Kaocha[The Proof of Foreign Law in the United State Courts], 4 Beijing Keji daxue xuebao[Academic Jounanl of Beijing University of Science and Technology]78, 78-83 (2007);

7.       Gonggongzhixu zai Meiguo de Siyong, Jianping Dui Zhongguo de Jianjie[Public Policy in The United State and What can China Learn from It]1 Faxue Pinglun[Law Review] 52, 52-58(2007);

8.       Chongtuguifan de Fazhanquzhi yu Renmmin Fayuan Shiyong Shi Ying Zhuyi de Shixiang[Developing Trends of Conflict Rules and the Several Issues that should be Taken Notice in the Application of Conflict Rule by the People’s Court], Rennmen Fayuanbao[People’s Court Daily], Oct. 10, 2006;

9.       Yingmei Zhaifa de Disan ZHizhu: Ranhuan QIngqiuquanfa Tanxi [A Study on the Third Pillar of Anglo-American Obligation Law----Restitution Law], 3 Bjiaofa Yanjiu[Journal of Comparative Law] 45, 45-62 (2006);

10.   Zhongguo Budangdeli Zhidu de Goujian yu Wanshan[On the Improvement of Chinese Unjustified Enrichment Institution] 2 Qiushi Quekan[Journal of Truth Seeking] 83,83-89(2006);

11.   Dingxin Duixiang de Zairenshi[On the Objective of Characterization in Private International Law] 9 Zhongguo Guojisifa yu Bijiaofa Niankan[Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law]280, 280-289 (2006).;

12.   Jingdu Yidingshu Shuping[Commentary on Kyoto Protocol], Rennmen Fayuanbao[People’s Court Daily]Feb.20, 2006; 

13.   Mengtelier Gonyue Shuping[Commentary on Montreal Convention], Rennmen Fayuanbao[People’s Court Daily], Jan 9, 2006;

14.   Wuyinguanli de Falv Shiyong: Lifa lunzhengyu Jianyi[Conflict Rules for negotiorum gestio: A Legislative Suggestion and Demonstration], 5 Wuhan Daxue Xuebao[Academic Journal of Wuhan University] 607, 607-611 (2005);

15.   Budangdeli de Falv Shiyong Guize [Conflict Rules For Unjust Enrichment], 3 Faxue Yanjiu[Chinese Journal of Law] 128,128-139(2004);

16.   Deguo Budangdeli Zhidu Yanjiu [German Unjust Enrichment Institution], 7 Zhongguo Guojisifa yu Bijiaofa Niankan[Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law] 33-68 (2004).


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